The control over the constant flow rate and moisture content of tobacco is the key technique in developing the production line of the direct moisture regain in tobacco. 烟叶的恒流量和恒含水量控制,是研制直接回潮生产线的技术关键。
In the Neoclassical growth model, with constant rate of time preference, consumer has a stable preference system, in which the beneficent government chooses the optimal tax rate to be proportional to the rate of time preference with the assumption of log utility and AK production function. 在新古典的增长模型中,当消费者对时间的偏好是一致的时候&稳定的偏好系统,最优的产出税率与消费者的时间偏好率成正比(AK生产函数及对数效用函数的假设下)。